Thesis title
Year obtained
Place of study
Academic qualification
Al Thager High school - Jeddah, KSA
High school
On the physical and chemical properties of the sewage water and polluted soil in Wadi Uranah south-west of Mekkah, Saudi Arabia
Faculty of Earth Sciences - King Abdulaziz University - Jeddah, KSA
Bachelor of science - Engineering Geology (B.Sc)
Site selection for household waste treatment facilities in Norfolk, England,UK
Faculty of Science – School of Environmental Sciences – University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
Master of Science - Environmental Sciences (MRes)
Evaluation of the household waste management system in the East of England, England, UK
Faculty of Science – School of Environmental Sciences – University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
Doctor of Philosophy – Environmental Sciences (Ph.D)
Last Update
7/12/2010 9:35:59 PM