Administrative responsibilities
Administrative responsibilities within the Department of Engineering and Environmental Geology
Since 2010
Academic accreditation coordinator
Since 2010
Academic supervisor for undergraduate students
Administrative responsibilities within the Faculty of Earth Sciences
2010 print
Member of the committee preparing the faculty handbook
Since 2010
Member of the committee supervising and developing the faculty’s laboratories
Since 2010
Supervisor of the development of faculty’s webpage on the internet
Academic year 2011/12
Head of cultural committee in the faculty
2012-2013 |
Head of the Department of Engineering and Environmental Geology |
2016-2017 |
Vice Dean for Development |
- 2017 |
Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research |
Administrative responsibilities within King Abdulaziz University |
2013-2015 |
Vice Dean for Sports Activities - Deanship of Students Affairs |
2015-2016 |
Deputy Manager - Center for Teaching and Learning Development |