المخاطر الجيولوجية EEG 454


 Course ID

 Course name

 EEG 201, EEG 251

 EEG 454





Course Description

General considerations: hazardous earth processes such as floods, landslides, subsidence, earthquakes and related phenomena, volcanic activities, coastal hazards, desertification, and send dunes migration. 

Course Objectives

1.  To understand the processes of natural and geological hazards in general.
2.  To understand floods, desertification, landslides, desertification, earthquakes, subsidence, and coشstal hazards, and in particular, sand migration.
3.  Review geohazards cases in Saudi Arabia.

General References for the Course: (Books/Journals...etc.)

Students in this course can read from:
1.  Environmental Geology, 4th Edition, by Keller, Edward A., 1985. Charles E. Merril Publishing Co.
2.  Environmental Geology: Geology and the Human Environment, by Bennett, M.R., & Doyle, P., 1997.New York: John Wiley & Sons.
3.  Geohazards: Natural and Human, by Coch, N.K., 1995. Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Prentice Hall. 
4.  Natural Hazards: Explanation and Integration, by Tobin, G.A. and Montz, B.E., 1997. Guilford Publishing: New York.

List of URLs for this Course

- http://www.naturaldisasters.ednet.ns.ca/landslides.html 
- Volcanoes http://www.usgs.gov/themes/volcano.html
- Earthquakes http://www.usgs.gov
- Floods http://www.usgs.gov/thems/flood.html
- Landslides http://www.usgs.gov/thems/landslide.html

Course Outcome

The student will learn the following:
1.  Student can be able to know the general consideration of geological hazards.
2.  Student can predict the earthquake and volcanic hazards.
3.  Student can predict the flooding, coatal hazards, Tsunami.
4.  Student can know the effects of sand dune movements.
5.  Student can know the land failure hazards including: land subsidence, rock and soil slope failure, sabkha and expansive soils. 

Scheme of assessment:

Periodical examination:         40%

Essay (1500-2000 words):     20%

Presentation:                          10% 

Final exam:                            30%


Timetable for course lectures:s

 Lecture topic Week 

Introduction:Types of Geohazards






Volcanic activity

  Periodical exam  5



Coastal hazards



  Midterm exam  9

Sand dunes and desertification


Land failures and slopes


Rock and soil slopes


Earth fissuring


Land subsidence

Final exam  15




آخر تحديث
2/6/2016 3:44:03 PM